Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Morbid Paradise

The breeze was exhilarating, the sky an envisioned blur of tranquility, like the next best thing to peace... The world was out of joint, silence hiding in the corners amongst caverns of darkness, waiting to pounce. Large swarms of steam rose from the sewers, like all of hell was beneath them. There were no zooming wonders in this world, that they called the paradise. Only that you spent the best years of your life, getting here.

Leaves crunched under my feet as I trod on, no one would hear the plea of the silent. People passed by, their faces a blur in the dusk, rather were they black hooded creatures and souls of aghast emptiness...  Yet busy, rather preoccupied, their shadows chased them along this race called life. The heat rose from the crevices on the road, like dark pain from scars, too deep to fathom.

No one complained. Trees swayed in the wind, embers of the sun extinguished in the heart of the ocean, a faint moon shown from amidst the clouds, cars screeched and honked and moved on, street lamps faintly glowed from the shades of motionless dust... No one complained. It did not matter that you were lost or if you didn't feel anything, for you had to imbibe the spirit of hollowness soon.

Lulled in a constant state of enchantment, they moved on, the crowd of hollow men in a world they called paradise. Ignorance practiced for a daily routine, stable yet, busy and engulfed in work life, bleak and desolate.

The wind blew along small bits of paper and fallen leaves at its mercy, luring them into vivid circles, thrashing them against walls or lifting them up and letting go. Little drops fell from the sky, shy like someone who has long forgotten to cry. The hooded creatures quickened their steps, the gravel rising from beneath their feet as they ran. Rain was a welcomed relief.
Large drops pelted upon the pain that always rose around me. It's embers caught in an ambush. Like the leaves that now spoke against the wind and refused to budge. Memories, I gripped them tight in this labyrinth. They let the shadows feel lighter, the scars fainter yet the darkness grew deeper.

Everything seemed perfect, as long shadows loomed in  life's limelight, the crevices in the road filled with the blackness of the night... The city hungered for life and yet lifelessness would suffice, for the souls, lost in this morbid paradise...


  1. Vivid imagination.... Nice conceptualization... good one!! Liked the vocabulary :)

  2. Dude... Its brilliant... A simple situation told so perfectly and felt at heart.. Keep rocking!!!

    1. thanks bro :) and u were gonna start ur blog rit? when u gonna lemme read?

  3. You have an amazing descriptive quality VJ! Keep going! :)

    1. :) Thanks.. but i aint as good as u.. u know that :)

  4. melodramatic interpretation of a rather blunt environment around the character in the story. I feel the narration shows a type of valiance the character has developed to the his solitariness. hence the feel of paradise amidst a setting of morbidness.

    this is just the way i see it, the story can get to other people differently though :)

    1. Yep.. that was what i meant it to be.. ur on the right path.. and paradise is about the imperfectness of a so called "perfect" life that people say they have :) Thanks for reading

  5. nice... painted words from the heart....

    easy to relate to....:D


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