Monday, July 12, 2010

Life, along the years...

If it hadnt been for cotton eyed joe,
I'd be married long time ago... 
Where did you come from
Where did you go
where did you come from cotton eyed joe!
hay hay hay hay, hay hay hay!!!

Well, thats a techno country song from a band called Rednex. Its half past 11 in the night and i'm having some serious volume on the deck with this song. I still remember the first time i heard the song, a few years back. My dad heard it and developed an instant hating to it. It was like some sort of allergic reaction for his ear drums. Whenever i played it, it made him angry. (Devil smiley here). I loved the song. Dunno how many of you guys actually hate it like my dad, well this entry isnt about the song. So keep reading. :) 

It became a routine for me to play the song everyday morning when i woke up to go for school. And the bad news for my dad was, the old tape i had, had the same song repeatedly recorded over and over again and plus I had a speaker connection to the bathroom. (no kidding k, I'm very known for having audio equipment in the bathroom, even now :P) But well, dad never said anything to me, even though the song was so loudly blaring into the otherwise silent home. Well dont ask me, why this song, well i guess it never made me feel sleepy. lol.. I hated waking up in the morning and was usually late. Thats why I switched to travelling to school by van instead of bus, coz i always missed the bus. And i even walked to school once, am very well known for walking for about 2hours and 20 mins. :) true story, no lies... 

And the van people, well, my poor dad would go outside and tell them to wait... (devil smiley again)

Ok, coming back to waking up in the mornings. I my bathroom, there used to be a big mirror and a small ceramic stand just below the mirror. I would go stand near the mirror and put my hands on the stand and then rest my head on it and sleep, standing right there. Time would slow down, the silence would engulf me. I'm walking by this small but beautiful street and there is this building where there lives a girl who I've never seen before. But i know she is there. She puts her head out of the window as i stare at her and she smiles, so shy to even look into my eyes. As i continue to look, she says something. I dont understand. I try and ask her to speak loudly. And she says something again. I try to make out what it is. 630. what was it? 630...  eh? errr? Wha???? There is a loud bang heard nearby and another loud 6:30. I snap... Oh God, was that mom or dad at the door? If its dad, i'm dead when i get out of the bathroom. I scream out, "whats the time?" to get someone to reply. Ha!! Its mom! But its 6:30. Probably the van is just outside home. Not again...

And there is this super cool brushing and yeah of course sitting on the closet and then super speed bath and i'm out at 6:40. Yay! home free... And things changed once i bot the song in. You'd probably know why if you have heard the song. I used to get to the bathroom but still was late coz i'd spend sometime dancing to the beat. And finally when i go, i'd not switch the tape off. Coz i'd wanna hear it till i get outside the house. And thats when finally, my angry dad tells mom, switch tat damn thing off! Well, he'd never tell me anything. Guess thats what makes him him! 

And well, the whole thing, why did i come to it all now. Simple, coz i'm miles away from home and am listening to the song. The only thing that changed is that dad laughs when i play the song now. see, thats what happens when you play something too many times. And finally to the point, I just miss home...

This room is really faintly lit. Its miles away and years away from the home i told you about. It was past the gate when i was leaving mom and dad and coming here to do my higher studies, that i first saw my mom crying. She doesnt cry for anything, or i've never seen her do that. I rememberm how i had told my room and all the gadgets in my room a final goodbye. Coming here, this room, where i'm now, was so different. It didnt hold my scribblings and my extra electrical fittings and all... And over the years, i had tried a lot to make this one at least resemble that one. Yeah, well after all the holes i managed to drill in, it looks kinda similar! Lol! And this has become another diary page of my life. Though sitting here, I would always miss home, mom and dad, bro, this is still another home. 

Why am i bragging? Coz this is another page that is to be turned. Parting and goodbye is imminent, with the place, with the house (called fort mafia) and my favourite room. The faint light adds to the beauty, rather mess that is in my room. Coz you probably cant see its messy in the dark. Its all sweet and nice.. lol... The late night study time with friends, sitting and studying , even joking, laughing, playing, gaming and so many things.. While one guy is busy studying, the other is busy getting his ear phones soldered coz he slept on it last night and the other is busy dyeing his hair, even God does not known why and the rest are dancing in the bathroom with loud music (dont ask why)... 

And there are pictures. to remind you of all the crazy things you did at a point in ur life. Only pictures and memories. Only now, as i walk around, it feels so empty. No more lose papers lying around (coz i had to clean it up before handing it over to the owner)  and no more unclean dusty corners, no more huge huge spiders in deadly sticky webs watching you sleep and probably thinking about biting ur ass... no more unclean toilets (ya, i know tats kinda gross, everyone's lazy though!) and so many things thats just not there... just not going to be there... 

I still remember those late nights when we were so hungry after sitting up and studying... we'd walk to the nearby shop to have over salted omelet (well tats the way these people here make it) and where all of us 10 guys would be fighting for a few slices of bread. But it used to fill our stomachs. We used to be satisfied in the finger dipped tea (yea, u know the way they bring it to us on the road side shops, i call it multitasking.. perhaps a lil dirty version though), we never had our tables wiped.. the wooden roof of the shop might be leaking in the rain and the wind shaking it threateningly. We never needed a dolby system to enjoy, just that small radio in the shop was enough for us to sing along. And the kerosene lamps hung up would attract all the insects to us, yet the warmth it gave was a heaven against the cold. 
i even think i'll miss the insects i loved killing....:)

Even the sleep all huddled up together with about 8 guys in a room, be it in the cold night or a tired day at college, it was always the same. And yeah, thats how we once broke my bed cot. But later it was screwed and fastened to the wall :) we never give up do we? lol! 

Somehow, the years have passed, we never had a record.. nor a diary entry (we were lazy!) and we never thought any of the dum things would actually be worth remembering. My life, over the years... From school to college..and now done with college too... i'm still crazy.. always gonna be one i guess. :)

And here i am, during the last few days. flicking through photographs and slam books... listening to the one song that made me think of all this now... 

If it hadnt been for cotton eyed joe,
I'd be married long time ago... 
Where did you .....

it aint a nostalgic song.... but go ahead and try it.. happy listening! lol!!!!

Oh and i forgot, got a viva exam tomorrow.. I'll keep in touch!


  1. Awesome wrk...

    Actually you should have started bloggin a long time ago. You being the school mag editor en all, what took you so long to get started?

    So keep goin...

  2. lol.. i think its just the right time.. am all jobless.. :) thanks buddy.. keep readin!

  3. this reading made me to think of something else...but i dunno what it is...!!!! Gr8 works...let it go...

  4. hmmmm... wat did u think of? ;)
    thanks da...

  5. thank u ma'am.. :)

  6. wow..!!!...what can i say...i m left speechless...even william shakespeare would bow his head down if he read this...u sure did excel him too...wonderful....just WONDERFUL..!!!!

  7. hey...just commenting again coz i dont want to be "anonymous", as i was in the previous comment i made....!!..lolz..i want everyone to know how great a fan i m of your writing....great work...really.... :)

  8. shakespeare? ria, tats a bit too far.. :) but thanx for the appreciation. am workin on getting better and writing smaller stuff :P keep reading... !

  9. ur story z just so awsm....nw am big big fan of the way u write.....dnt think even tulsi das could describe it so beautifully...........

  10. thanx.. actually this is my life story.. thats why noone can say it better than me... :) but am just amateur i feel... keep reading!

  11. All i can think of is, i guess i had a much cleaner college life;-) kidding.. well, ya, its only when u pass on to ur next stage that u miss this one the most...
    Indirect speech wen t well with this! Keep it Going~

  12. Bro,
    Awesome..... miss home here also.... i used hate vegies made by mom... but now that taste is enough for me to be in paradise.... miss home badly... but keep it going my bro.... ill join u soon...

  13. Bro,again u did something worth made to think about my school days when my mom atrtstaring on me at 630s seeing me on school bus left coz i late while getiing ready...
    anyways "admin"!!!

  14. @Priya: thanks and do keep readin.. looking forward to ur comments. :)

    @Anand: Yo! Home, well, its always there man.. one day... one day.. but not yet.. not yet.. :)

    @meppada-edumall admin: :) ur admin too :) remember.. thanxx for reading man.. :)

  15. We will always remember those GOOD OLD DAYS my frnd..:)

  16. @sarath: we will man.. still do.. always will :)

  17. Hats ooof to uu..!
    U made me change my status to "Misin hme :@"
    Gud txtin dear...


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