Thursday, August 2, 2012


The shadows were vibrantly aghast, 
Latched together like tones of her voice,
Pacing in this lovely contrast,
Loud and jubilant, sweet and soft apart,
Yet painfully caught, they, in the chambers of my heart.

Striving yet, subdued beneath this emotion,
Dreams and love, curving like the ocean
Ponder I, How may I explain to thee,
How she shades my life with glee.

Ardently fought, yet love cannot be won,
“Nay”, life said, “not this one”.
Yet, wedged was I, in the spell of her smile,
Her touch, her arms and her hugs awhile.

Longed I, in this torment of hearts, shades of loneliness;
Like no other; would one covet to lose his way?
There was I, in this tint of jadedness,
To lose myself in her heart, but nay…

Memories drifted like a cloud’s blessed rain,
Golden, like beads of perspiration on her lip;
But caved in, those beautiful walls, and dreams broken again,
I realized, this was a one way trip…

Loved I, her smile, her giggles and even a plaintive note;
Beguiled in memories, in a life that someone else wrote…
In her gestures, emotions, tantrums and care,
Wandered I, with this love, lost unaware.